This afternoon I maintained the garden mostly. Pulled a few weeds and watered. Nothing too crazy. Then around 5ish I went out to run some Potagar related errands. I stopped at the Dollar Tree up the street to get some cheap, large, plastic containers. I thought they sold assorted neon color 2 ft tall circular bins with rope handles. They didn't, I asked the clerk and he said that since I'd asked he'd order them but in the mean time I picked up three, 2ft wide and 1ft deep, containers. They weren't a dollar but they were much cheaper than the plastic planters they sell at Home Depot. After I went to The Dollar Tree I went to Home Depot for a few things and made a point of comparing prices. The same size containers at Home Depot were $13.95, more than double the price.
Home Depot...
At Home Depot I grabbed 6 wooden trellis all about 4ft high and 2ft wide. They look a lot better than the ones I made and are much sturdier. I'll use the bamboo to make container trellises. I got a bag of mulch and then went looking for preemptive weed killer made if corn gluten and organic weed & grass killer. The corn gluten doesn't allow seeds to germinate but doesn't kill existing weeds. The organic spray kills existing weeds but doesn't stop them from coming back. So I needed both. I looked all over the garden center and to be honest didn't see but 3 super toxic versions of weed killer. Finally, I asked an employee and they told me that they kept that stuff inside. Duh! He walked me in and I found the EcoSmart Weed and Grass killer. It wasn't the exact one I was looking for but it worked the same way. Then I looked for the Corn Gluten. They didn't have it. They were supposed to have it but they didn't. Online it said they carried it in stores. In the same aisle they stocked weed killers they stocked pesticides an I found a spray bottle of Captain Jack's organic pesticide. I was so psyched to see it. I like the dust but it washes off in a heavy rain and you cannot reapply for 2 whole weeks. I grabbed a bottle and headed to check out.
Tomorrow ill work on setting up the trellises, poking drainage holes in the containers, planting the plants that don't have bed space assigned to them, spraying Captain Jack, and most of all doing it with La mama. She has the day off, so we'll lunch then work! I'm excited to work in the garden with anyone but especially her. Usually I garden alone.
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