
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Predalure Hurry

Twine Trellis Crazed...

So last night after I wrote my last blog entry I looked up "twine trellises" on google. I found a bunch used for beans and decided to try a few out. I wanted to see which would be the best. Since I was basically out of twine I used heavy duty yarn and made 3 different types. I finally chose the tallest wrap around version. I put it in the garden and took a look with a flashlight. It looked great at night. This morning, the first sunny day in 3, I went outside to check the soil moisture, temp, and have another look. The red yarn I used didn't look so hot. The trellis itself looks great. It is space evenly the beans will grow up the yarn perfectly and they'll need it because they've double in a day. We had 7 plants now we have 14+. Its amazing. I'll have to thin them out but I won't be able to do that until they are long/tall enough to reach the trellis. I didn't plant them for this type of trellis so it is going to come down to which ones reach well and will grow well up the trellis. The rest I'll thin. I thought abbout going out to get some twine and making yet another trellis but the beans have gone so crazy and will grow so quickly that the yarn will be covered in no time. Now the only thing that I'm worried about is the shade the beans will create once they've grown. They will end up shading a few of the square feet allotted to the pepper plants, which need full sun, and that won't work. I'll have to think about what I can switch around if anything. I may just end up planting more beans in those plots and making a tepee string trellis. The sun will hit the sides fully and the center will be unused. 

Otherwise not too much work in the garden which is too bad. The rain stopped me from working over the weekend and today was my moms birthday so I ran errands until we met for dinner and by the time I got back it was dark. I have a lot of weeding, organic pest removing, fertilizer, soil preparing, and etc. to do in the next few days. I don't want to get behind on this stuff because all of the garden references I look to for info have said that the best way to keep pests away, insects worms and the lot, is to have healthy plants. The more healthy the plants the less attractive they are to insects. Irony of irony's the insects deteriorate the health. Organic insecticides were the one thing I didn't research to death before planting Patch or Potagar so I don't have any real clue what I am going to use. At the moment to aid with the health of the plants I've purchase Sea Magic. A seaweed concoction that you mix with water (makes 60 gallons) and spray on your plants. It apparently, like all sea weed products, helps plants grow my 30% or more. It keeps them insanely healthy and speeds growth. The other thing I got is a "predalure" it is a tea bag type thing that you hang in the garden and whatever is in the bag attracts ladybugs and lace wings. Both bugs eat pests like aphids, larvae, white flies, and etc. I'm hoping it works quickly so that I don't have to worry too much about making and testing baking soda and oil, oil and soap, and other mixes. 

I will test them for your sake on the test plants but that will help me more for next year. I do want to test those types of mixes I just don't want to be in a hurry to test them on my actual garden until I've had a chance to really test them on test plants. I'll be letting you guys know which ones work once I figure out the actual gardens. I've already seen earwigs, potato bugs, and a few weird flies so I need to get going. HELP!!!! 

This controlled release attractant is a magnet for beneficial, predatory insects such as lady beetles and lacewings that aggressively feed on aphids, mites, scale crawlers, caterpillar and beetle eggs and larvae and many other pests.

Sea Magic micro-nutrients, amino acids, growth-promoting and disease-fighting powers help deliver magical yields: 24% more tomatoes, 47% more peppers, 34% more cucumbers and 25% more grapes to name a few.

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