I went early this morning to try and catch the squash flowers at a time when they were open and check on everything else. The squash has been teetering on the edge of just being nice foliage, unluckily, because the insects aren't cross pollinating between gender and gender enough so I wanted to pull some make flowers and rub there stigma into the female stigmas but, again unluckily, only one male flower was open and all of the rest were closed. They're supposed to open during the day but aren't which leads me to believe that the insects would pollinate enough if the flowers would open up. Anyway, I moved on to check on everything else and was about to start pulling the suckers off of the tomato plants when I saw it, a disgusting long, fat, branch colored caterpillar. YUCK! It scared me to death, almost. I went inside and told Mrs. S about the horned worm sitting on the branch. Eventually, she offered to get rid of it for me. I handed her a gallon size ziplock, a pair of gloves, and scissors. She cut away all the blocking foliage put the bag over the branch with the caterpillar on it and cut the branch into the bug. Then she asked if we should move it or kill it. I figured if we moved it would just find its way back so she put the bag with the branch in it on the ground and smashed it with her foot. The whole thing was very courageous of her. I would never have been able to do that. The caterpillar exploded, disgustingly inside, and we trashed the whole thing. Afterwards I googled "green caterpillar with red horn" and found out that are disgusting little friend was a tomato hornworm. They feed on and destroy tomato plants. I'll be working on finding out how to keep them away for the rest of the day. There gross scary and dangerous. They'll kill the entire bed if given the chance and deter me from reaching in and picking tomatoes. So either way we won't get any fruit.
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